11 Types of Content Every Manufacturing Company Needs on Its Website

11 Types of Content Every Manufacturing Company Needs on Its Website

Industrial buyers research products long before they're ready to make a purchase. Companies that use marketing tactics to provide valuable information to potential buyers build trust and authority with customers before even knowing they're looking to buy.

People who visit your site are probably looking for information to help them make their purchase decision. But different people learn in different ways. Some may be visual learners, while others prefer a quick read. That's why it's crucial to offer a variety of valuable content to your visitors to ensure they have a positive experience with your brand and to motivate them to make a purchase from you.

Here are 11 types of content that every manufacturing company needs to include on its website to increase traffic and convert more visitors into valuable leads.

  1. Videos

    Video could be the future of content marketing. Unfortunately, many companies push video to the backburner. The good news is videos can be used almost anywhere on your site. Your product pages can feature videos that showcase the benefits of each product. Include instructional videos on your website to answer questions your visitors may have. Place video testimonials from happy customers on your service pages. Videos are a great way to educate your audience quickly and show them that you're the right choice.

  2. High-quality images

    Using images in addition to text on a web page can have many benefits. Images make the page more interesting and memorable and can help your audience form an emotional connection. They're also handy tools for breaking up long blocks of words for more digestible content. Images improve SEO when they include a title and alt text description that incorporates important keywords. According to HubSpot, 32 percent of marketers say images are the most important content for their businesses. Be sure to post high-quality images on your site, especially when the image will take up a large portion of the screen, and make sure they're easy to see on all screen sizes.

  3. Blog posts

    We can give you plenty of reasons why it's so important to have a blog on your site. Blog posts are an opportunity to present your brand as a thought leader in your industry, while also boosting your search rankings. According to the Content Marketing Institute, small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses with no blogs. A blog can also serve as a learning tool for both your potential customers and your marketing team by offering an in-depth view of your industry. All in all, your blog is a key resource in demonstrating your company's knowledge of your industry and reaching wider audiences.

  4. Testimonials/case studies

    Testimonials and case studies that feature success stories from industry experts or previous customers can motivate potential buyers to consider your products over your competitor's. Visitors find inspiration in how other people have used your products or services, which may prompt them to buy from you. Showcase your customer testimonials on a variety of pages to demonstrate what your company can do for regular people in your industry. This lends credibility and allows visitors to connect with your brand on a human level.

  5. FAQs

    Let's face it – no matter how much information you publish on your site, customers will still have questions. Make it easier for your customers to find answers by listing your most frequently asked questions and offering thoughtful answers directly on your site. Aside from dedicating an entire page to frequently asked questions (FAQs), you can also offer live chat or chatbots, which can provide quick answers to common questions and give the visitor a more personalized experience on your site. With these tools readily available, visitors can access the information when and where they need it.

  6. Product pages and buyer's guides

    The buying process should be easy. Make it easy for your buyers to make their purchase decision by simplifying your navigation, optimizing your page design, and providing accurate product information.

    Consider what you're offering to your customers. If you anticipate people purchasing multiple products at once, add a shopping cart to your site. If you have a lot of content, use navigation menus and filters to make it easy to move and sort through different pages. Your product pages should also include all the information your potential buyers may need. Use images, videos, and text to provide detailed descriptions of your products. All in all, your goal should be to make the customer feel confident that your product is what they need and then to offer them a smooth buying process.

  7. Product comparisons

    A great thing to feature on your website is how your products stand out against the competition. Think about what makes your products superior. By giving a straightforward comparison, you'll take the guesswork out of the buying process and save your customers the time they would spend visiting other sites to compare products. Don't just tell your customers that your brand is better; show them what your products offer that others don't.

    You can also use comparisons between your own products to help customers determine which is right for them. Structure your site to compare these products so customers can see the different options in one place.

  8. Industry research

    Staying ahead in your industry is important for any manufacturing company. As new technology develops, industries are constantly changing and improving their processes. When your company develops innovative processes or solutions, publish white papers, press releases, and other content on your site to highlight your industry knowledge.

  9. Downloadable resources

    Your resources are a crucial part of educating potential customers. From company brochures to mechanical drawings to instructional guides, anything that visitors can use to learn more about the products or services your company offers should be considered a valuable resource. Consider offering downloadable versions of the content, which allows visitors to access the information quickly. And gating this valuable content requires visitors to provide their contact information before they gain access to a download, which presents a great opportunity to generate leads.

  10. Terminology guide

    It's important to consider your audience when writing the content on your site. Industry jargon may be normal for experts, but confusing acronyms and complex terms and phrases can confuse buyers, especially if they're new to the industry. A terminology guide will help avoid confusion if your visitors may not be well-versed in industry jargon. Make the guide easy to find so customers don't need to search for it when they find an unfamiliar term.

  11. Company history and employee bios

    Help people get to know your company. Your company history doesn't just tell people how your company became successful; it shares the experience with visitors and allows them to connect on a human level with your brand. Employee bios are another great way to help people get a better view of your company's culture and values.

Although there's a ton of other content you can publish on your manufacturing website, these essential elements will make your website more informative and helpful for visitors. If you're looking to add unique, helpful content to your website, our experts at Cain & Company are always here to help!

Robin Chandler

Robin Chandler

Marketing Coordinator & Copywriter
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